Analyze your talent data
in a whole new way

Get one-click AI-driven analysis and keep a finger on the pulse of company talent
Fortune 500
Taikang & Geely
160 million times
Cumulative AI Matching
Free for Limited Time
Serving SME
Unlimited Accounts
Free Function Trail
Private Data
Your Data Your Model
Fortune 500
Taikang & Geely
160 million times
Cumulative AI Matching
Free for Limited Time
Serving SME
Unlimited Accounts
Free Function Trail
Private Data
Your Data Your Model
Time saving
Time saving
Matching Model Usage
Successful Interview Rate
Time saving
Time saving
Matching Model Usage
Successful Interview Rate
Personalized setting
Uncover business insights in various corners of data
Customize data channel and dimension, focus on core HR needs, generate valuable insights
Identify search intent
Find actionable insight from data analysis across your organization
AI-powered analytical models learn business needs continuously and provide suitable business insights
powerful formula
Free combination ofFormula and data processing flow
intelligent Mesoor Query allows user to search across complex formula and schema and provide accurate and actionable insights
Multiple Chart
Give every user the ability to buildown and interactive visualization
provide plentiful data charts, depict data accurately
BI View
Let AI be your insight explore
Customize your visualization, save and pin at everywhere you want, get data story just the way you want it
Template Center
One click to run best HR practice in multiple scenario
Save time with customized and insightful template, show data in suitable way as you want
Personalized setting
Uncover business insights in various corners of data
Customize data channel and dimension, focus on core HR needs, generate valuable insights
Identify search intent
Find actionable insight from data analysis across your organization
AI-powered analytical models learn business needs continuously and provide suitable business insights
powerful formula
Free combination ofFormula and data processing flow
intelligent Mesoor Query allows user to search across complex formula and schema and provide accurate and actionable insights
Multiple Chart
Give every user the ability to buildown and interactive visualization
provide plentiful data charts, depict data accurately
BI View
Let AI be your insight explore
Customize your visualization, save and pin at everywhere you want, get data story just the way you want it
Template Center
One click to run best HR practice in multiple scenario
Save time with customized and insightful template, show data in suitable way as you want